Blog - page 2

Written by Randa Bennett

Why does the third sector fear technology?

There is a general fear of technology within the third sector. Since vHelp started, we have been trying to put our finger on it but realised it’s a very complex problem. In this blog, we’ll try and break down some points and reflect on them. Hopefully, it will help others reflect too.  
Written by Randa Bennett

What If My Volunteers Can’t Use Technology?

Recently there has been many conversations about volunteers’ digital skills or the lack there off.  Charities worry about their volunteers and employees adopting digital services if introduced. 
Written by vHelp

Volunteer expenses – The Lack of Visibility

We regularly speak with finance managers within the charity sector and the first pain point we hear about is 
Written by vHelp

The Stigma Around Volunteers Claiming Expenses

We all know the value volunteers add in the UK and how time and time again they rise to the challenge.  These incredible people give their valuable time away and the least organisations can do is ensure they don’t incur any costs in order to volunteer. 
Written by vHelp

Why is Paying Volunteer Expenses Important for Inclusion?

According to Scottish Household Survey 2019, people who volunteer in Scotland are mainly employed or in education, live in less deprived areas and have higher incomes.
Written by vHelp

Volunteers Week: How To Show Your Volunteers Appreciation

In celebration of volunteer week, we wanted to share a few tips on how to show your volunteers appreciation and keep them engaged. 
Written by vHelp

How the cost-of-living crisis is impacting patient retention in clinical trials

Medical research and clinical trials are crucial for the future of healthcare and the development of new treatments.  Those trials could not happen without people willing to take part and commit to the end of the trial. 
Written by vHelp

The Impact of Inflation on Volunteering & The Importance of Paying Expenses

There is no need to highlight the value volunteers add to our communities, especially the way they rose to the challenge during the pandemic and shopped for their neighbours, tested us for COVID, and vaccinated us, to mention a few things. In this article, we will be looking at the impact that inflation has had on the volunteering sector, including, the rising costs of living, the price of fuel, and, why it’s of the utmost importance to reimburse your volunteer’s expenses. 
Written by vHelp

How Can I Create a Volunteer Expenses Policy For My Charity?

More and more organisations are starting to pay volunteer expenses, especially with the current rate of inflation and petrol prices increasing. The most important benefit of paying volunteer expenses is inclusion; by ensuring your volunteers are reimbursed quickly you are widening the pool of your volunteers and opening up volunteering to people from various backgrounds.   
Written by vHelp

How To Reimburse Volunteer Expenses

When you work with volunteers, you truly benefit from the time they give your organisation. Due to their willingness to give their time,  it is highly recommended to reimburse their expenses. This helps with engaging your volunteers for longer and it also helps with inclusion by widening the pool of volunteers your organisation works with. In this article, we will be looking at where to start when it comes to paying your volunteer’s expenses, the obligations surrounding this topic, and how to reimburse your volunteers manually and electronically.